What to do in the Basque Country Events Agenda June 2017

What to do in the Basque Country Events Agenda June 2017
Things to do in Bilbao, San Sebastian, Vitoria, Biarritz, Rioja or Pamplona. Our selection of best art, sport & cultural events in the Basque Country during June, 2017

Best traditions & festivities:  

  • In Biarritz. Les Oceanes. Annual festival related with the ocean: sea events, sport... From June 17th to 24th.
  • In Vitoria-Gasteiz, Great Week of the Pintxo of Alava. June 21st to July 2nd.  
  • In Bermeo. St. Juan Pilgrimage's. June 24th.
  • In Ondategi, Zigoitia, Gorbeia Basque Horse Day. Shows, exhibits and performances with dance, sport & food. June 25th.
  • In Irun. Alarde San Marcial. Parade remembering Spanish and French wars. June, 30th. 

Regarding arts and exhibits:

  • In Vitoria-Gasteiz, Gastroswing, mixing best food with swing dance classes and music. June 1st to 4th  
  • In Vitoria-Gasteiz. Kaldearte. Street art with dance, magic, theater, music, humor, clowns, pampering and games. June 9th to 11st.In Vitoria-Gasteiz. Big Band Festival (swing, jazz, latin music, funk...). June 10th & 11th
  • In Bilbao. Juan Grillo (Flamenco dancer). BBK Room. June 16th.
  • In Bilbao. Gauzuria. White night 2017 in Bilbao. The night takes over the city from the hand of literature, music and theater. June 17th.
  • In Bilbao. Benjamin Britten. Tribute to his work. Theater Arriaga. June 22th.
  • In Bilbao. War Requiem, the masterpiece of Benjamin Britten. Theater Arriaga. June 23th & 24th.
  • In Vitoria-Gasteiz. Azkena Rock Festival with groups like Cheap Trick, Hellsingland Underground, The Meteors, The Shelters... Next to the sports center of Mendizorroza. June 23th & 24th. In Bilbao. Paris, end of century: Signac, Redon, Toulouse-Lautrec and his contemporaries. Guggenheim Museum. May 12nd to September 17th.
  • In Bilbao. Compagnie Marie Chouinard: "Le Jardin des Dèlices". Arriaga Theatre. June 2nd & 3rd.
  • In Bilbao. Fashion and Films II: Dressing Ideas in Films. International fashion show. June 8th & 9th.
  • In Bilbao. Bilbako Kalealdia (Bilbao street festival). Street shows, contemporary dance, circus and puppets. From June 26th to July 1st.
  • In Getxo, International Jazz Festival, from June 28th to July 2nd.
  • In Bilbao. Concert of Deep Purple and Alter Bridge: “"inFinite The Long Goodbye Tour". Bilbao Exhibition Center. June 30th at 6pm.

Regarding sport:

  • In Zarautz, Triathlon Getaria to Zarautz. 2.9 km of swimming, 81 km of cycling circuit and 21 km of running. June 10th.
  • In Bilbao. Spartan Race Bilbao. The most famous obstacle course in the world. The test consists of 13 km and more than 21 obstacles. June 24th.
  • In Zumaia. Zumaia flysch Trail (27 kilometers and a difference of 1,640 meters). Cliffs between Zumaia and Deba. June 25th.
And remember, if you are thinking to come to Bilbao, San Sebastian, Rioja, Vitoria, Pamplona or anywhere else in the Basque Country, you can get a better understading on our culture and traditions with a local guide. 
 contact Aitor Delgado Basque Private Tour Guide 

Enjoy the Basque Country!