"La Paloma" song was composed and written by Sebastian Iradier (somewhere also found as Yradier)
after visited Cuba in 1861.
Note that the first line of the original song in Spanish says "Cuando salí de la Habana, valgame dios!" which can be translated as: "When I left Havana, my God!"
Iradier may have composed "La Paloma" in Vitoria around 1863, remembering his stay in Cuba and just two years before he died in th Basque Country in obscurity, never to learn how popular his song would become....
It is nowadays the most famous song writen by a Vitorian composer that has been broadly versioned.
In the video here you can see some of the versions of the song La Paloma
Note that the first line of the original song in Spanish says "Cuando salí de la Habana, valgame dios!" which can be translated as: "When I left Havana, my God!"
Iradier may have composed "La Paloma" in Vitoria around 1863, remembering his stay in Cuba and just two years before he died in th Basque Country in obscurity, never to learn how popular his song would become....
It is nowadays the most famous song writen by a Vitorian composer that has been broadly versioned.
In the video here you can see some of the versions of the song La Paloma