To be proud of...

Guiding private tours in Vitoria, Basque Country, Spain

In my life, many things make me proud. I think we all should be proud of what we are, where we have arrived and what are our perspectives.

From the moment I started showing my guests the Basque Country they spoke about the proud and knowledge I showed about the Basque Culture, History, Traditions
But this is a non exclusive proud, it has been improved as I have been in contact with many cultures and countries due to my work and extensive travels.
Surfing on internet I found a post speaking about me which made me proud, as it makes me the reviews of my clients, because it comes in this case from some people with whom I work.

The company, with which I collaborate, has launched this week an article about a Private Tour Guide in Vitoria, Bilbao, San Sebastian & the Basque Country in general "Meet Private Tour Guide Aitor Delgado in Vitoria, Spain, both the areas in Spain and in France.

Viator Travel Team is describing well my work and the opinions of the clients who already have enjoyed my tours.

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